Friday 21 January 2022

At the Gates of Dawn

 “Due to the explosion of the Lunar Gate, all data from before 2022 has been lost” - Jet Black, Cowboy Bebop

I know this is not one of the gates from the show but it’s a Strong Visual

Meridian is a satellite in stationary orbit around the astral anomaly X-108, a transport-regulated wormhole. Owned and operated by the Qilin Gate Corporation, the station’s central hub is a port offering access to the astral gate.


Airlocked elevators over a kilometre long connect from the zero-G port to the outer ring, a city bathed in X-108’s constant, golden dawn. The centrifugal force of Meridian’s spin creates approximately 1G of gravity on the city section’s inner surface, allowing citizens to traverse its 5km circumference as if planetside.


Once a bustling port, the advent of ship-based warp drive technologies have seen a decline in travel and tourism. These days, only those unable to afford modern conveyance still make use of it, and only those too poor or stubborn to leave still live here.


Qilin take payment via a subscription plan, with members allotted 12 jumps per year through any of the company’s outer rim locations for a monthly fee of 11kcr. There is no cancellation policy.


Thanks to a privacy waiver at sign-up, QGC are able to locate customers exactly using hyperspace latency tracking. As stipulated in the contract, failure to keep up with payments will result in forfeiture of equivalent value in biomass from the offending party. Collector Drone [W: 3(15), C:70 Scalpel, I:80]

Welcome to Meridian babyyyy

So this is a mini setting I’m working on for a Mothership game and I thought I’d share notes so anyone can use it or take bits as needed. I’ll update as I go.

If this were a book I’d include something useful along with that blurb up there, like a d5 table of spaceships you can encounter at the port. But since the Shipbreaker’s Toolkit isn’t out yet I’ll do that another time i guess

That means for now all you’re getting is an intro, sorry! But I suppose this post is good to link back to for other stuff I do in this setting, like an overview.

Expect mystery, investigation, janitorial work, corpo-governmental conspiracy, fancy briefcases, robot butterflies, lamb dumplings and the side effects of psychic psychedelia.

(also right now blogger isn’t letting me make or reply to comments? Idk. But you can still comment if you’d like)

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