Just been away for a week so no real hobbying time lately. On the flip side the much needed break has got me re energised to get back into making cool shit. Ain't that always the way.
Some news happened while I was away: as part of their slate of awesome upcoming games, Possible Worlds (who I've worked with before on the new edition of GoGoGolf! have announced my next game with them: Overcure! You can check out the full press release and a great interview with Tyler over here on Rascal. Love Rascal.
Overcure is a tabletop miniatures game. Ish? Definitely enough that it warrants a post on Straturday (the Lord's Day). More info and cool stuff will come out about it as development continues and the release approaches.
For now, I'll say that Overcure is a solo tabletop strategy game focused on accessibility, instant setup and arcade-inspired fun.
In a world where most minis games involve hours-to-months of researching, learning, collecting and hobbying before getting to the gameplay, you can go from starting Overcure to finishing your first game in under 20 minutes. And randomly generated level elements based around real-world wifi networks mean you can keep coming back for more. Play slots as easily into your regular schedule as a mobile game.
Don't get me wrong, I love big chunky wargames that demand ever more of your brain and time. This is something new.
Recommendation this week goes to Colonel O'Truth's Miniature Issues, a youtube series I've been storming through lately. Very relaxed, classic terrain building, where each episode is about making a new part of a constantly evolving 10mm wargames diorama/board. Incredibly simple and accessible, with a focus on understandable techniques and cheap tools and materials, but the overall project slowly builds into something wonderfully intricate. Worth watching from the start.