Thursday 23 May 2024

GoGoGolf! is back, babyyyyyy

An all-new physical edition of GoGoGolf! is now available to preorder as part of the Details of Our Escape campaign from Possible Worlds!
  • Revamped art and layout from original artist Jon Bliss
  • Streamlined mechanics - everything is 2d6 now
  • More fun surprises???
And it’s only $5USD for print + pdf!

Big big thanks to Jon and to Tyler from PW for working on this with me. I made GoGoGolf! five years ago, my first year working in games. It’s my first ever ttrpg, and it means a lot to me that this very weird project still has fans after all this time. A polite golf clap to everyone who’s played and kept it going this long

Preorder now! And check out all the other great stuff you can get as part of this campaign on backerkit. Click here!

PS I have still never played golf in my life

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the return of GoGoGolf! It's awesome to see your first TTRPG still going strong after five years. The revamped edition sounds exciting, and I'm sure fans old and new will love it. Keep up the great work!
