Friday 4 March 2022

ONSLAUGHT playtest 0.1

 The playtest for ONSLAUGHT has been updated to version 0.1. Download free here.

Patch Notes:

- changed Caged Fairy’s effect to limit exponential damage increase

- changed Bastard Sword to Great Stone Sword, new effect. Bastard Sword may make an appearance again later on.

- changed Lord of Chains’ Spring action. Now more lethal.

- minor text changes


  1. Okay, so: I haven't played yet, but I'm concerned that you may have overcompensated for some of the foibles of the previous version.


    1. The Great Stone Sword is now strictly worse than the Old Sword (unless you have some mod planned for the future which would modify an action roll somehow). Double your action roll and do 2 damage = always worse than 1x action roll and 1 damage. The chance of overkill is much higher, for no gain. Two Old Sword attacks are ALWAYS better than one Great Stone Sword attack. Perhaps the solution is to boost Great Stone Sword damage to 3 or 4? That makes it much higher risk / higher reward than the Old Sword. Right now it's higher risk, lower reward (because if you go over skull, you do zero damage).

    2. Point 1 above also means that the Fairy is very unlikely to be used with the Great Stone Sword. Much higher damage output using the Old Sword + Fairy (for example, two OS attacks + 1 fairy action = 4 damage vs. 1 GSS attack + fairy action = 3 damage).

    3. I think the Lord of Chains buff in Spring is probably a good change. I will try to play and see soon.

  2. It just occurred to me that you might tweak the OSS such that the action roll is 1d6+1d6 instead of 2 * (max(1d6,1d6)). That means that GSS would do 2 damage for an average of 7 Heart advances, as opposed to an average of 2*(4.47) = almost 9 Heart advances. Makes it a much better gamble: higher risk and higher reward than the OS.

    Also, if you're increasing the action roll for the GSS, there's no need to also nerf the Fairy. Nobody is risking two GSS attacking in one round, so you're never going to get a 2+2+(4)=8 damage output from GSS+GSS+Fairy as you had in the previous version.

  3. Good points - I do feel I overcorrected a bit. The fairy nerf is still necessary because the original would very easily get out of hand if new, stronger weapons were introduced down the line - I could probably change the stone sword back to the bastard sword though, or at least a tweaked version of it.

    I will consider all this on the next playtest!
